Unsafe Housing Ruled an Unseen Crisis

In the past few months, America has witnessed large-scale apartment complex fires break out in New York City, Memphis, TN, Maryland, and other parts of the country. What do they all have in common? They're typically low income housing t...


Housing Opportunities Available for your Immediate Use

Many of our readers are already well-versed in local and national housing programs, but there are always some programs that slip under the radar. Our goal is to bring some lesser-known programs and deals to light so you c...


Are You a Property Manager? Here's How to Manage Tenant Problems Professionally

The way you address tenant issues as a property manager determines their severity. For example, suppose a tenant has damaged some components, disturbing their neighbors, or there is a dispute bet...


Disturbing Trend: Housing Authorities Out of Touch with Section 8 Housing

Section 8 housing is what's offered to those who cannot afford to rent an apartment, townhouse, or house on their own. Unlike the old "towers" run by the federal government, it's much more common for t...