Waitlist for Section 8 Housing Applications Opens in A Small Community in the Midwest

In a significant development for low-income families, striving for affordable housing options, the City of Wausau has announced the opening of waitlist applications for the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program

This program extends a helping hand to eligible families, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities by offering subsidized rental assistance within the private housing market.

The opportunity to apply for apartments such as Riverview Towers and Riverview Terrace, among others, began on March 25 and will close at 3:30 p.m. on April 12. Given the limited period during which applications are being accepted, potential tenants are encouraged to act swiftly to secure their opportunity for affordable housing support.

The Section 8 Housing Voucher Program, administered by the Wausau Community Development Authority (WCDA), directly provides financial support to landlords on the tenant's behalf, ensuring access to "decent, safe, and sanitary housing." The availability of housing options within the private market contributes to a diverse choice for participants, fostering their ability to live in neighborhoods of their preference.

To join the waitlist, applicants can submit their forms via mail, email, fax, or in person at the WCDA office. Support from the WCDA staff, who can be reached at 715-261-6687 for further information and assistance with the application procedure, is essential to this process.

Given the economic challenges many face today, such initiatives serve as a crucial resource for stability and security in the Wausau community.

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