Arizona Complex Ditches Section 8 Housing
- Author: Jacob Greene
- Posted: 2024-11-03
According to ABC 15 News in Arizona, dozens of Phoenix residents may end up homeless due to their Section 8 housing being taken away. As a federal housing assistance program, Section 8 is a type of welfare that pays either a portion or all of someone's rent, depending on what the individual or family can afford. Most of the people on this assistance program end up having to pay very little or no rent. In a popular Phoenix complex, this proves to be shocking news. According to the available data, these Section 8 tenants have been the most reliable at paying their rent since the pandemic started. Of course, this is due to the fact that the government is paying for this rent automatically through their vouchers given for the rent of Section 8 recipients. Despite this reliability in paying rent, however, the complex is still planning to do away entirely with the acceptance of Section 8, and dozens of people fear that they'll end up homeless.
The Belcourt Apartments complex, located in downtown Phoenix, claims that they will be phasing out Section 8 Housing Vouchers over the next few months, and instead will be demanding that people come up with cash to pay their rent. Vouchers are said to cover a portion of rent for the elderly, the disabled, and low-income families. In reality, it's more like the entire freight and not just a portion, but that only makes it more difficult for the people who live in the complex.
More Common Than You Think
According to official numbers, only 2.2 million people are on Section 8 in America. However, in terms of subsidized housing, over 10 million Americans are one some sort of assistance program. Section 8 has become one among many different programs. In terms of housing choice vouchers, Section 8 is the most popular, as it allows people to choose where they want to live, as long as a landlord accepts these vouchers for a tenant's rent.
Temporary Usually Isn't
As a welfare aid, programs like Section 8 are technically intended only to be temporary solutions. At some point in the life of an able-bodied individual of working age, the government expects them to work. However, this isn't the case with about 30% of people who file for Section 8. Studies show that nearly a third of all people on Section 8 are there for most of their lives once filed, and many also end up with children who grow up to file Section 8 claims once they end up with children of their own and need housing. Obviously welfare abuse is sensationalized by critics of these programs, but it is a real actual issue.
For residents of Phoenix who may lose their homes, the likelihood is that they will be relocated instead of ending up homeless. "Oh, they're going to be homeless!" is always a go-to headline from some media outlets, though in reality these people will likely find new homes and extend their Section 8. The people who end up on this program aren't typically abandoned. Although all welfare is meant to be temporary, America is set up in such a way that they will typically allow social safety programs to go on indefinitely.
The real issue in the Phoenix story, like with most Section 8 stories, is that the person or entity owning the housing is no longer going to accept the vouchers. This can happen for any one of a number of reasons. For instance, during times of inflation, a landlord may want to raise rent to help cover costs, but those who accept Section 8 vouchers often find that the government refuses to pay more than the flat rate for the voucher. What may happen is that any landlord not legally bound to accept these vouchers may drop them entirely and start requiring cash rent, which people on Section 8 obviously cannot afford. So, this is not anti-Section 8 as much as it is pro-profit. Regardless, this ends up harming a lot of tenants who cannot afford to pay full rent.
What's happening in Phoenix to some Section 8 tenants should stand as a warning to other people on Section 8. While the government is likely to allow you to stay on these vouchers indefinitely, so long as you can't afford housing, not all landlords are going to accept these vouchers. You may have to end up seeking housing elsewhere.